Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A mixture of grunge, seventies, dandy masculinity and perhaps pirate influences, all in one. As well as my recent obsession with dalmatian print, I also have an obsession for dressing like a cowboy. Or a pirate, or a dandy, or a 20's flapper girl, or a rock n' roll star, or a hippy. I am inspired when it comes to clothing, by so many different eras, subcultures and trends. If I was to sum up my style in one, I would probably call it Glam Boheme, or something along those lines, only because it's the 'style' I wear most often. In person, I am most frequently spotted in an ensemble of my fur coat, floppy hat, red lipstick and some kind of statement boot. I like to combine femenine elegance and glamor a la Audrey Hepburn, with influences from Wicca and the seventies a la Marianne (with the occasional rock n' roll influences coming out).

I am hugely interested in culture, and always developing new fascinations with forgotten about subcultures of the 19th and 20th centuries. I like the the classical stereotypes, they fascinate me, and I could watch them for hours... just because of how they manage to fit into an exact stereotype of the 'type' of person you would expect to see in that situation, and how it fits in so beautifully. Which is how this all combines with my interest in Philosophy and Psychology. For example, the couple outside the vintage bookstore in Paris who are dressed in stripes, berets and chelsea boots, smoking cigarettes and admiring eachother. Or the girlfriend of the guitarist, a la Penny Lane, who you'd see out the backstage door of a rock venue. Or the Holly Golightly girl next door who always plays jazz at 3am and has wondrous parties. Or the 'women of the woods', who Fleet Foxes sing about... Music is another HUGE inspiration of mine. It creates pictures and images in your mind, makes you dream of a situation or a perfect setting for the song. And what would the person that they're singing or writing about dress like? What would they do and how would they live their life? I have such a fascination with people and the way they act, which I think, explains why I use so many different influences when it comes to my fashion sense.

A couple of people (unsure of who they are) commented on my photo of me in my 'dandy' outfit featured on ASOS Fashion Finder saying it was nothing but a dress up Pirate costume. Which in some ways could be correct, and others not. It could be a Pirate outfit, because I admire their dress sense etc. But in no way is it a costume. Isn't that what fashion is all about anyway? Getting influences? Becoming inspired? Being creative?
I think, in a world as we're in at the moment, to be yourself and be individual is one of the most important things you can be, and when it comes to pushing boundaries in fashion, go for it. I thought I should explain this on my blog, as I've noticed that I have never actually spoken about myself, my interests and my influences, other than my little mini bio. If you have any more random questions, I've created a Formspring account (see the link in the column on the right). Also, hello to all the new followers!

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