Friday, February 5, 2010

Some people

I am absolutely sick of having conversations with people who have no idea what I am talking about. I can no longer socialise with people who think I am an idiot for wearing a headband around my head, who think I'm too extravagant for wearing a leopard print coat and who think I am a weirdo because I listen to Elmore James. My mother is now included in this. Her & my father brought me up to have the interests that I have, and the aspirations that I have and this particular outlook on life, and now she is complaining... probably because she isn't with him anymore and she's got old and boring. She is having a go at me about getting a decent full time job, and expecting me to lower my standards to working somewhere as shit as Tesco?! No it's not about having my head up my own arse and thinking I'm too good for that, it's because I generally do not think anything would come of working somewhere as shit, and it's about enjoying and gaining experience from somewhere where you work, not hating every second of it. I will not sink to that low. I take after my father obviously, and I'm proud to say it. My mother has failed at life because she has accepted lower than her standards and settled for things less than second best, so she has never been happy. I will never sink that low, ever, I say it now and I stand by it. 90% of the people I hang around with in this shitty little village have no idea about anything I talk about or anything I say, it's like talking to a brick wall, and either I'm laughed at or have to explain something over and over again about 100 times. They sit there talking about things I don't understand about, like some shitty pop-punk band I've never even heard of, and tv programmes I don't even know exist, and have completely different views and opinions on things. It's not about liking the fucking 1960's and wanting to hang around with someone who likes it aswell, it's about generally not being able to have a conversation with someone because you don't understand one another and you end up in an argument, and I'm sick of having the piss taken out of me for wearing a fur coat, a headband and a Beatles tshirt. Do they know anything about fashion? I don't think so, they were born and bred in the same town and their parents worked as farmers. Whenever someone makes some snide remark about something I wear I've started to stick up for myself in a sarcastic kind of joking way so they don't take offence by saying ''Oh yeah? Well who won the competition of being the most fasionable woman in the UK in Heat Magazine?... clearly not you...'' and then they shut up. It's just ridiculous. When I used to go to Southend all the time, I was surrounded by people with all the same interests as me and who generally liked me for being me and I could actually get along with them. Same goes for Tunbridge Wells, I can talk to someone for hours about the Grateful Dead and Hunter S Thompson and be around people who like music and style and culture... but when I come back here, I'm surrounded by people who work as builders and listen to the fucking Kooks. The sooner I move out and get a flat in Tunbridge Wells the better, and anyone who tries to tell me I am wasting my life away and tells me I am too much of a dreamer and need a reality check, I'll just tell them it was the dreamers and the crazy ones that changed the world, and recite that Jack Kerouac quote to them. And tell them I am actually enjoying my life and I am not going to let them live it for me and they have no idea about anything. I am beyond caring whether anyone thinks I have my head in the clouds so anyone who wants to disagree with me, guess what, I really do not give a shit.

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