I haven't blogged in a while as to tell you the truth, not much has been happening. But now it's the long (or not so long) awaited June and this month is going to be so busy. Today I met up with Jess, an old friend from school & fellow blogger of
http://www.sparksandfireworks.blogspot.com/ in our local town of Brighton. The heat and sun was unbearable, and awful to walk around and shop in 6 inch heel platforms, but we had a lovely lunch and chat about old memories from school days. Most photos were taken on Jess' camera as she has a Nikon SLR, but above are some snippets of the day. The last photo was of a 5 foot shop assistant who was gobsmacked at the size of our heels so had a photo next to 6 foot 2 Jess! Check out her blog for more photos. Also, thanks for voting on the poll which has now ended. According to everyone who reads this blog, they'd prefer to see outfit posts, posts about the sixties & seventies and posts about music. So from now on, predominantly this blog will feature those three mostly, hopefully somehow combining them all in together as one. But I'll still continue to post about my views & opinions etc, because I don't want this blog to drift too far away from what I initially created it for. Ciao! xo.
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