I am feeling very unsettled at this moment in time, I'm not sure why. I should have known pints of Brothers' toffee apple cider during the day wouldn't do me good. I really want to improve this blog, mainly the layout. I keep staring at it and feeling unhappy about it. I don't know whether to rearrange it completely with a new template or not. I keep feeling like it's drifiting away from what I intended it to be... and then I think there is no real theme to it. It's not a fashion blog, it's not a music blog, it's not a diary, it's not ALL about my main interest in the sixties & seventies. I want there to be a theme and a layout that reflects me, which is the problem, because I am always all over the place and I am hugely indescisive. Does anyone who reads this blog have any suggestions as to how I can change the layout? Or do you think it's fine as it is? Anyway, tomorrow I am planning on going to a nearby castle, yes, a castle, to do some photos Alice in Wonderland style, which I've wanted to do for a while. Then as I have said before, this coming month there is alot happening so expect post overload. Above are some photos which I thought I would post out of vanity, I got them done today for my passport because it needs renewing and if I don't send it off I won't be able to get to Italy for the Summer. I'm waffling now, bye! xo.
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