Monday, May 30, 2011


A post dedicated to the ultimate rock n' roll heroes of all time. A band that never gets old. You never get tired of rocking out to Led Zeppelin. The perfect band for listening to whilst getting ready, whilst going on a drive or whilst preparing for a gig, or if you just fancy a bit of classic rock n' roll. Their music set the scene for many metal/hard rock bands in the future, as their music was way ahead of their time. Whilst other bands of the early seventies were playing folk music and progressive rock, Led Zeppelin created a music never heard before, 'hard rock', but at the same time, it was still influenced by early blues musicians. They made themselves famous not only for their music, but for their reputation for being the epitomy of 'rock n' roll' and notorious sex villains, after groupies had kiss & told about them. Especially the stories about Jimmy Page and his suitcase full of leather whips which still gives me the shivers after reading about it all in their Hammer of the Gods biography and Pamela Des Barres' books. Jimmy Page alone is a fascinating person, someone with lots of mystique about him (apparently being a satanist), and Robert Plant purely for that voice & his medieval sorcerer looks. I am slowly getting into a Led Zeppelin phase again through listening to Heartbreaker this morning after an off few months and itend to keep it this way.

Top 5 Zeppelin songs:
1. The Battle of Evermore (medieval, haunting, Paganistic lyrics with Sandy Denny from Fairport Convention)
2. When the Levee Breaks (slow, dreary Mepmhis Minnie blues)
3. Heartbreaker (a song that sums them up as rock n' rollers)
4. Boogie With Stu (good for a dance)
5. Black Dog (another rock n' roll classic)

5 facts about Led Zeppelin you may or may not know:
1. They were all Pagans, particularly Plant & Page.
2. Supposedly Jimmy Page's black magic interest & practice caused the death of John Bonham & various other negative incidents.
3. Supposedly if you play Stairway to Heaven backwards it is chanting for the devil, this was meant on purpose.
4. Led Zeppelin originally called themselves 'the new Yardbirds' for their first tour, mainly due to Jimmy Page's earlier work with the Yardbirds.
5. Led Zeppelin deliberately mis-spelled the first part of their name so that American's could pronounce it without mistake.

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