Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yesterday I spent the day in London, intentionally for a hospital trip. After that dreadfully grim experience, we ventured onto Oxford Street to Topshop as I was on a hunt for some corduroy bootleg black trousers. As usual the store was mega busy, the end of fashion week, and I couldn't find my trousers. Instead I found my friend Amber (who works there) and heard David Koma and Melanie Rickey (editor from Grazia magazine and blogger) were answering fashion Q&A's on the first floor. They arrived fashionably late and as David Koma literally brushed passed my shoulder ''excuse me darling'' - I suddenly thought back to a couple of years ago when I was a fashion student, when fashion was the only thing I wanted to do with my life and when I won that competiton with Heat mag for being 'most stylish woman in the UK' - God knows how that happened. Watching them both and being in London during fashion week, seeing all these people my age who have exactly the same dreams as I do has inspired me to go back to my roots and get back into fashion. Not only to start blogging more but to continue to study fashion and work my way up in having a career in the industry. Afterall, it is one of the only things I was ever any good at.

Beret - Accessorize. Leopard shoes - Topshop. Coat - Topshop.

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