Pirates, or shall I say the Pirate stereotype, is a huge influence for me when it comes to dress sense and pretty boys. There's something about long hair, a moustache, a bandana, a hoop earring, feathers & a floppy hat that I developed a fascination with at first which has now turned into an obsession. Maybe it started with Keith Richards & the Stones, who take their fashion influences from pirates & dandys. There are so many celebrities, particularly male of course, who I would say had the 'pirate' image... Axl Rose, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Devendra Banhart, many folk musicians, and the look in fashion was brought back with Vivienne Westwood's Pirate collection in the seventies. Trying to think what attracts me so much to this image is hard, but I think it's probably the mystique, the fact the pirate image dates back to ancient times (which immediately makes it a fascinating & historical subject) or maybe the whole 'bad guy' thing. Basically, lacking better words, I want to be a pirate. Or a mermaid. A girl with long red hair who sits on the rocks at the edge of the sea combing my hair & singing, to lure pirates into crashing their ships to find out who the mysterious voice at sea belongs to. My imagination is getting way ahead of itself... last night I had a dream that people were eating dragon skin because it had an ingredient in it which got them high. You could get different colours of dragon skin dependant on how high you actually wanted to get. Are dragons real?! Are mermaids real?! Are unicorns real?! I don't care if it's been proven or not, I'm going to imagine they are and think up ancient fairytales in my head. Anyway, back to pirates, one day I hope to meet a pirate man. Above are a collaboration of pirate influences and then a vanity collaboration of my take on the pirate style... I gaurantee there will be more to come as I pretty much only ever dress like a pirate these days. Enjoy! xo.
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