Saturday, August 7, 2010


I go to Italy every year with the family as my mum's side is Italian. My grandmother was one of 13, and when her parents died they obviously left their house to their children. My grandmother bought the house off her sisters & brothers so now it belongs to her. It's not really the place to go if you want night life, fast paced cities and things to occupy yourself with all the time. It's situated in a tiny typically Italian peasant village in the mountains, about two hours south of Rome. All the family are always there, it's always full of people and it's in an area where you can access quite a few places (as long as you have a car and don't mind driving up & down windy mountain roads). I get a bit sick of it to be honest, for various reasons, so this year I only went there for a week whereas the rest of the family are there for a month. I always think I'll survive on my own, I'll be fine, I'd rather be in England than there... but then I get back here and hate everything about it and realise what I'm missing. Last night for example, I got home to an empty dark house, it was windy & raining outside and I had nothing to do with myself, whille the rest of my family are enjoying themselves in Italy. I have to work every day starting tomorrow for the next two weeks, it's hell, complete hell. So, naturally I feel depressed. Aswell as that I've gone straight from Amsterdam to Italy then back to England so having to adjust to time/temperature/culture all over again. Life is hard. But after this month, I'm leaving my job, finding a new one or finding something else to do. I've had enough of this rif raf.

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