Friday, July 9, 2010

My Soul Has Been Psychedelicised

I have had so many people telling me I need a 'reality check'. People I don't know, my friends, and even my own mother. They say it because I'm a dreamer and I sit there telling them all about these ideas I have, all these things I want to do and all these experiences I want to have, which are slightly unusual compared to the aspirations most of the people of today have. In their eyes, it seems, it is slightly 'unrealistic' to want to drive across American highways in a Mustang convertable with Steppenwolf blaring out the car and nothing in the back seat but some sloppy hitch-hiker, packets of cigarettes and anything else I would have picked up along the way. Of course, alot of people want to do it, but it's supposedly not only unrealistic but cliche. Because it's in all the movies. It's in all the films, it's ideal, it symbolises freedom which is why it's so appealing. You don't need to look after anyone but yourself (and the car of course... and maybe some other valuable things hidden in there). When they say ''you need a reality check, you can't do that'' - what they mean is, ''your idea of reality is stupid compared to mine''. They want you to do things the way they them and see things the way they see them... The way the rest of society does. It's patronising and it puts you in a lower place than them. It seems people are so ignorant that they think their own idea of reality should be everyone elses, forcing everybody to be the same. Anyone who aspires to do something slightly out of the norm needs a 'reality check' and most of the time ends up being shoved in a padded cell by men in white coats. I've had enough of the term! It's such an ignorant thing to say, it isn't respecting anyone elses wants and opinions and it's saying that you should be like the others. Your own reality is the right one, because what you see or have seen through your own eyes will always be different to every single other person on the planet. If you've seen it then why shouldn't you believe it? They'll never see the way you do.

If it is possible that I look out the window and see a tree as being purple while everyone else sees it as being green then I'd be locked up. Which makes you wonder if all these people shoved in psychiatric wards and treated like aliens are really insane. Maybe they're just incredibly creative, and maybe they use a slightly higher percentage of their brain than most other people? Maybe they see things differently and need a 'reality check'. But what is in their mind is their own reality and who's to say it's wrong? It's categorising people, judging people and making you look like a crazy idiot.

If I want to contribute to a conversation by adding my own opinion and somebody tells me I need a reality check, I'll say the same back to them. And who are they to argue that they're right and I'm wrong? I'll just hand them a piece of paper with this blog address on it and say READ IT.

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